Monday, November 8, 2010

Worry =(

Nex year...
Nt me can dicided.....
Bfore~My dad wan me n my family move to KL...
I tell my frenz...They sad....
They call me try to beg my parents...
Yup!!I cnt gv up!!
So I try to beg them...
Finally!!!My parents allow me live v my aunt at sp=)
My best fren noe the good news oso happy=)

Bt today....
When me n my mum at my aunt house——
My cousin【her father has pass way*my aunt nt allow her mum take her bac to thailand】【 fifth grade at primary skul】【nw living v my aunt 】
LIE my aunt said her teacher didt gv them results list yet
Thn my aunt ask her neighbour
Her neighbour said ald gv them
Thn my aunt gv my cousin chance ask her agn
Bt she still lie-ing
Thn my aunt call my cousin's frenz ask clearly cousin's frenz said ald gv all the student n said my cousin gt the last...
My aunt mad!!Take a thing thn hit my cousin seriously
Thn my aunt take my cousin go out to ask sth

My mum discuss v my other aunt...
They call me dunwan live at here nex year coz my aunt so....
Thn call me move to KL v my parents
I distrated!!!
Bfore i lie my boy de frenz i got move to KL;Bt nw reali wan .....
My frenz~I reluctant!!
Hope my mum can chg her dicision....