Wednesday, November 17, 2010

16/11/2010 Happy Memories=)

Wow!!!So high!!!
When started the game, everybody nt so high
They said some playing, some c them play =.=
Thn we enjoy our food -sushi hotdog sandwish n many many


After eating,we started play water
All of us were hav the energy to start play
All of us play until so high
Cnt believe our 28 boys can play so high too~XD

We didnt care boys or girls, all play together!!
We filled the water inside the balloon thn hit ppl~lOl
Hahax~We play ''COUPLE BRIDGE'' in the rain~XD
All of us were a pair a pair~SHY nia~XD
Haiz~They so cruel T^T
When a pair of ''COUPLE'' wan go over the ''couple bridge'', all of them hit tat ''couple''!!
Include me T^T~lOl
''Couple Bridge''XD
Sammy so funny~hahax
Lijia Lek n Janice insane ald~lOl
Our Family Portrait =)

Heavy rains ald
We go inside chg our new shirt thn drank water n eat some food
Wohoo~All of us watch TV, bt me so miserable coz they  perli me~lOl
Suddenly Xun ask us wan go eat Bak Kut Teh ont?lOl
Me n Lijia 2 girls go eat v them only

When we reach there, so UNLUCKY!!!Bak Kut Teh was closed!!!
Haiz~we go other shop, no shop was open=.=
Finally we went to Kinmizu enjoy our supper =)
Walao!!There's food so EXPENSIVE!!
Just Me n Lijia didt order only
When their's food arrive, me n Lijia eat their's food ~XD
More miserable is Gan~He didt started to eat, all of us ald eat~XD
We gt take some picture too =)
Oh ya!!Gan so funny, he fall down!!Haha~
So unfortunately, me didt snap the picture when Gan fall down~XD

Me n Gan
Hahax~Me eating Gan's food
All eating Gan's food~XD

Finally, Xun's mum came to fetch him bac ald
Left Me Lek Lijia walk bac to Foo's house only

28 classparty really is the most happiest!!! =)


  1. when back ing yew foo house!!
    us very scare.i though pai lek din scare because he look like very stabilization but he also very scare!!!
    haha^^but happy!!

  2. lOl~yaya~tat lek call u dun scared bt he oso walk so faz~haha
    Bt the truth is——we all very happy=)
