Thursday, November 25, 2010

Wohoo!!! Honesty Is The BEST✌

My heart so comfortable~
The REASON is.....?
Hahax~Me n my frenz(H),said out the thing tat inside our heart~
Coz she write sth at her blog~
She bs me ,Me oso gt bs her
Thn jz nw said out~reali comfortable~
Erm...Actualy bs a ppl gt wat advantage 4 self?
Nw,we just a teenage~Dun Think Too Much is the best choice!!
Actually Y we wan bs tis ppl tat ppl?
Bcoz her/him pattern?attitude?style?
All the ppl oso hav her/himself 's pattern~attitude~style~
Y we wan to care it?Is tat yr's buisness?NO!!
LoL~Actualy myself oso like tat~sometimes bs ppl ~
But nw i think b4 the ppl i tat my buisness?Y me wan care it?
So...From nw i start,I jz care myself 's things can ler!!
Hope I can Do It!!=)


  1. there are things that we don't want to happen,but hv to accept.
    things that we don't want to know,but hv to learn.
    sadness is the result unhappy thoughts. lol~

  2. ....yr thoery suits comment at my blog?lol
