Friday, November 19, 2010

Damn SIENZ!!!!!!!

During holiday, damn sienz!!!
I miss my all lovely frenz~

My Dear Naughty Lijia(She call me write like tis d~XD)
Same as me feel sienz too=.=

My Friendly Janice
Less on9 so less contact v her,duno she doing wat

My Dear Ting
She sick jor ='(
Hope she can healthty faster =)

My Sweet Jasmine
Mayb go out play ler..XD

My Honey Huehmei
Same as me

My Benevolent Sammy
Hehe...Got some guilt to her..i rmb her de!!!When i think till Lijia sure gt think till her d!!Sry Sammy~Hope u can forgive me =)

My Lovely Jin
Caring Xunjin?lol

My Nice Angie
Erm.....oso less contact leh=.=

My Cute Jenlyn
Hehe..=.=||| Oso duno hw r her nw....

My Other Best Frenz
Even sms him bt din reply de=.=

His line got problem!!Mayb face problem~lol

Somtimes chat v him at fb n sms lor~ok lar~lol

Mayb caring Xunjin v Jin too~haha

My Funny frenz-Xun Boon
They said wan go to Penang v 28 frenz 2gether
Except them, just Ting Foo n Lek can go only
Duno they got go d boh=.=
Me wan go, but my parents sure not allow
Coz wan money n nt safety
Me so moody....I wan go out v my frenz~