Friday, October 29, 2010

Distracted 0.o~Relax ♥~Happy =)

My friendship are come back ald!!!Im Distracted..
My life still same as before..
The time still same as before..
Bt i gt a lot of harvest..
Tat is...i noe hu are my  true fren..
Janice♥ Nicole♥ Jasmine♥ 
U all reali is my fren !!
I never forget the time when I need to support 
All of you are stay with me=)
My best fren oso have come back to my side...=)
Huehmei♥ me n her ald vanish before the suspect
Kaiting♥ me n her ald start to chat
Now...all have come back to me=) feelings——♥ =)


  1. At the u two... me no talk with u meh? ==

  2. lOl~got~bt less~u owes hav been b huehmei side~XD
