Friday, May 27, 2011

26/5 Funny Day

Today , May n Nicole came to my house .
Our purpose ? Ermmm ... For celebrate we finished the exam ! XD

We watched The Phantom Of  The Opera . I thought it will be vry interesting but ... -.-  BORED !!
Then we changed to watch SAW II . Stimulation ! Adventure ! Steam ! Painful ! lol
But I like it ! hahax ~ May said me metamorphosis -.-
During the time we wacthing , always heard 3 of us shouted ~ haha
It so disgusting .. But so stimulation yar ! haha
And we snap some pic by using my webcam too ^^

SAW I / II / III (my spectacles -.- )

My small cousin behind us -.- cute~! right ? XD

Yeah ~!

3 weird eyes ~ haha

May wat face har ? -.- lol

May so fierce  .. Nicole eyes so BIG !! XD

Sexy lips ! haha

Sexy body !! XD

no o0o again ! 
Haha ~ funny right ?
They first time came to my aunt house .
We first time use webcam snap pic .
lol~ really full of laughter !
Hope next time you guys can come again and enjoy ! XD

Monday, May 9, 2011

Amway !

My cousin Lara , she work in Amway .

Today I accompany Lara went to her friends' house .
When I enter the house , gt ONE girl FIVE boys -.- gt a boy DIN WEAR SHIRT gok ! -.-
But when he saw us , he took a towel covered his body . haha
The boys are SinMin d . But they already graduation , I have seen the 2 boys before when I called my aunty went to SinMin for apply the absent letter at the office .
They were friendly . =)
Gt a boy was 20 years old , Lara's boss . Now he's driving BMW . yeng leh ? lol
He explained to us about the product . He explained it in detail . (Y)

Felt very happy to met them . =)
Nice to meet you all ~! XD

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mummy ~ Happy Mother's Day ! =)

Mummy ~! Happy Mother's Day ! =)
♥ you ~! muackzzz ~ haha
So sad about that I can't celebrate with you , mum ... ='(
Just now afternoon I called you , you said you celebrate with grandma ytd .
Hope you will be happy everyday =)

How about me ?
I celebrate with my aunty .
We bought a chocolate ice-cream cake XD

Chocolate ice-cream cake ~! Yummy ~! XD

Damn delicous ~! Yummy ~! XD
Mummy ~! Hope I can celebrate with you every year ~! you !
Okay .. It's time to sleep now .. Good Nite =)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Hari Wawasan ~~

Wawasan Day ~ Many food but looks not delicous ..
I just bought a plate of potato steamed with mushroom soup ( really nt delicous -.- ) a cup of float and a a cup of water . 
Left RM4 went to the ghost house . 
Ermm ... This year ghost house not bad la ~ got a bit scary ~ Although I always shout ..XD

We wait to in the ghost house about 2 hours -.-
Very HOT !! Very THIRST !! 
I want open the window but I make the window broke ! 
Gt form6 people came and asked about it . 
Luckily gt a guy helped me explain and siege . thanks you ! guy ! (duno wat his name .. lol )

Got a form6 guy said me look like 廖碧儿 ~ lol ! 
He's the first people who say me look like 廖碧儿 ~! haha !
He said he very like 廖碧儿 ,then I said u dun like me leh ~ He said no la ~ haha
Gt some things that happy =) and unhappy ='(
haizz .. Whatever , funny = P

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Lijia Missing ! -.-

Today we practise our lagu at school on 8am until 11am.
Huh...'' SO MANY '' people attend.
Whatever, we learn some action and sang again and again. lol
First,  we practise at old canteen. But too narrow already.
We change to astaka. We almost sang finished, teacher was not allow us to practise coz it's disturb F6 student to exam.
Than we change place again -.- to outside the school.
*NATURAL place*   haha

Is time to back home already.
Everybody is prepared to back home.
But Angie told us that Lija was missing !
We all go to find her. Everybody was worried.
We assume that she was caught by some bad people -.-
We called Hooi. why called him? coz he's important?duno..haha lol

Finally, Huehmei told us that Lijia was found by her mum and back home already.
Hooo~~~ Relax~~~ everyone was relax~~~ lol

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Kim Jae Joong ♥

Hehe~! Let me introduce you guys a handsome guy.
Handsome! right?! XD
Jae Joong's profile >
Birth name > Han Jaejoon 韩在俊
Adopted name > Kim Jaejoong 金在中
Stage name > Youngwoong Jaejoong / Hero 英雄在中 / 英雄
Actualy birthday > February 4th, 1986
Date of Birthday > January 26th, 1986
Star sign > Aquarius
Birth place > Gongju, Chungnam, South Korea
Height > 180cm
Weight > 63kg
Blood type > O
Birth family > dad, mum, a younger sister and brother
Adopted family > dad, mum, 8 older sister
Waist measurement > 24 inches
Favourite fruit > Bananas and apples
Favourite number > 2 and 7
Favourite colour > Black and white
Favourite animal > Dog
Favorite season > Spring
His dog's name > Vick ( Jae's nickname : Visual Shock )

He has a birthmark on his neck.
He's afraid of water because he can't swim.
He fears coackroack.
He feels like a woman when Yunho touches him. XD
He has a phobia of coke coz once during in a coca-cola competition he fainted after drinking coca-cola. pity ='(
He has 11 piercing ( 4 in the left ear, 5 in the right ear, 1 in his belly, 1 in his left ****** )
He likes to eat spicy food.
Believes he will marry a fan, wants 2 daughter and 1 son.
First kiss in the 6th grade (it was a cheek kiss) wohoo~! so lucky it's just a cheek kiss.haha
He would always tease Changmin until the latter cried. When sombody asked him why the boy cried, he would tell them that Junsu and changmin fought. haha! Naughty Jaejoong!
Changmin lost his first kiss to Jeajoong, and Changmin cried after.Jaejoong was waking Changmin up but the latter din't wake up so he kissed him. hahaha! funny!

OMG!! I love him very much! XD
Hope you guys think so~!

JYJ>Jae's teammate - Xiah and Micky.

Friday, April 8, 2011


Oh My Gosh!
My class have so many pair of couple now.
Xun n Jin are the most happiness couple
Lek n Jan are the unexpected couple
Jjionq n Jmei are the sweetest couple
Hooi n Jia are the cutest couple

Xun n Jin - I nothing to say. They are happiness until I envy. XD.  In our eyes, at least they are. Xun is a good boy, Jin is a good girl too. lol. Xun is a responsible, mature, humor boy. Jin is a delicate and pretty, intelligent, considerate girl. They take care to each other. =)

Lek n Jan - Ermm.... They really an unexpected couple! XD. Lek seems like a He don't know how to take care a girlfriend. But finally he know already. Jan always tell him to change the bad habit. haha.

Hooi n Jia - They are cute! They seems like a child. lol. They are funny. Jia always call Hooi don't play game, study better. Hooi got wait Jia at school. Wao~ They two..-.- lol

Jjiong n Jmei - I not so best with them so din't understand them. Ermm...Ong P.P always perry them.haha. Before I feel they have no interaction, but thursday I feel it! XD. I saw something at that day. =P Sweet nia~!

Don't know who's the next couple..haha
Wish married lovers! 

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Dianna Agron ♥

I wanna to watch GLEE season 1 !!! I feel it's awesome!!
Dianna Agron is Beautiful ! She just 17 years old(1994) but she looks like mature..
She got abit same like BritneySpears .She's Sexy ! hehe
Do you curious about her true colours? Want to see her, right?
Okay~! Let's see her pic right now!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Finised exam!

Hey guys! Before prepared for my exam so din update my blog..
Wohoo~! Exam is finish! Im relax~happy~
But sad for my chinese exam result..haizzz

Today I went to Central.
I bought a new spectacles as my award~! lol
I love my new spectacles much! It's beautiful! XD
Hope you guys think so~haha

Thursday, February 17, 2011

15/2/11 Celebrate My Birthday =)

When I was reached Central, I wait Ting Jan n Lijia at McD.
I saw Foo Gan Lek Hooi Boon Lejing n Jeff~!!!
They arr..shouted :"wahhhh~!!!" =.=
tat Foo! said me wear so high class~! lol
Walao them, 1++pm ald reached thr,me 4pm reached thr,still din bought present yet! =.=
They left me 1 person wait Ting thm at McD...
Ting thm so slow, me wait until almost ki siao~lol
Finally they came ald..We went to buy Lejing's present.
We bought a shirt for Lejing..

Foo thm ald bought my present too..
Foo 1st word:" hey~! tongyi! din treat us to eat arr?me so hungry leh~"=.=
1st word not wish me Happy Birthday =.= lol
Then we go to eat together..
Me first time went to tat restaurant..
Thr's food not so delicous
Walao~! So expensive!! RM 13+..=.=
Lejing pay RM50 me pay RM40..Hooi pay RM20, Gan, Jeff n Boon pay RM10..(me still list out~lol)
After that, we went to play bowling =.=
Wao~! Lejing n Jeff so pro at playing bowling~!
Foo Hooi Lek nt bad lar~haha

Next, we went to play ''dind ding'' XD
The boys play only..They play basketball n boxing 1..They wan break the record..=.=
When playing bowling, Gan Boon Lejing ealr back ald..
Thn other oso wan back early, left me Ting Lijia n Foo back Ting house only.

That Foo =.= always call us play poker..
We forced to play
Me so unlucky~!! LOSE!! Foo won RM4, Ting got won so sui~~~T^T
Lijia 7++pm back ald..Me n Foo 8++pm jst back together..
Me Foo n Ting, we chat a
His hp got a picture so nice~! nature sky  

I felt very happy~!
Thx u all my friends~!!!
Here got some pic....
Ting Jan Lijia present me one 

Xun Jin present's card..theirs wishes..=.=

Ting draw for me one~
Foo Gan Hooi Lek Boon Lejing Jeff present me one~!♥ CUTE ><

Sunday, February 6, 2011

29 JAN --- 5 FEB KL New Year

Wow~I agree May, Im bravo!XD
I board bus alone. The time pass faster.
May was worried about me. She sms me, told me wan take care....(like my mum~XD).....
But I felt warm, happy.hehe

At KL, like in the prison, cnt online..But got many food n drinks! haha
I almost became a pig already. Eat drinks sleep only.

4 FEB --> We go Cameron with my dad's cousins.
They early to help me celebrate my birthday! I was very happy!
My dad bought me a TIRAMISU cake. Erm...not so delicous lor, but very sweet! XD
My aunt presented me a strawberry bear! Damn cute~!
Tiramisu cake

Strawberry Bear
5 FEB --> We go to strawberry park. Buy some fresh strawberry, strawberry ice-cream, strawberry ice-blanded.
Wow~! I love starwberry! It so delicous! XD

Anyway, I love my parents n my cousins! Thanks u all let me had a happy celebration n memories!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


'' Baby are you down down down down down, Down, Down,
Even if the sky is falling down '' lol

Today last period---duno y feel down..
Mayb feel sienz...
Jin ask me wat happen, I jz smile to her
Thn i ask Jan abt the KH question but she wan play v me,act deaf =.=
Thn i ask Lijia, bt jan call lijia act together =.=
Thn i ask Jas, Jan did the same thing =.=
I ald depressed she still...=.=
So i dunwan choi
Jan ask me, am i angry? I ans nth

Back home, Ting sms me ask me
I reali nth...Thanks you Jin n Ting =)
No need worry lar.XD

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Now when finis skul,me n gan owes go to canteen chat together
Many ppl said me n gan walk together =.=
Included jiamei zhenglong angie sammy n other(haizzz)
I understand mayb me n him too best
But we just best fren lar =.=

He treat me vry good, bt i owes buli him! haha
Sometimes lijia gt left at skul thn we 3 ppl chat together
we r Happy Three Friends! XD

Friday, January 21, 2011

DOMO nt my favourite XD

I buy a new pencilbox---DOMO
But actually i dun like DOMO~haha

Wow~!Gt 2-3 times i go shopping, see a dog bear~CUTE~~!!!
Dog bear vry cute! DOMO nt so cute lor....(if let lijia c tis,she will kill me~XD)
Lijia wan go buy a DOMO pencilbox too but cnt put her calculator inside, so she buy BG 1 =.=
She very love DOMO~ b4 she buy , she call me gv her =.=

When Hooi c my DOMO pencilbox, he said same as me =.= damn him!
But anyway lar, jz a pencilbox, i dun care~XD

Monday, January 10, 2011

Delicous! XD

Haha~Me n Nicole so greedy
Gan go Taiwan, we call him gv us present
He just buy sweet 4 us=.=
But when me taste it, it's so delicous! lol
''他人笑我太疯癫,我笑他人看不穿'' XD
But the ''小笼包棉花糖'' not so delicous lor

Anyway, thx u jwo!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Form 3 First Day

First time!First time feel a bit sienz in class!
Bcoz my funny best friend change class already!
Now our class no more ambience, no more fun
But lucky is my girl best friend all thr
But u noe it, some boy can talk secret n can play together,make more fun!
I not say girl no fun lar, but girl sure gt a bit paiseh cnt make more fun~XD

Today so strange
Me n ting less chat
Maybe me chat v her everything at fb already~haha
Instead, I chat v Jas more

Jan so pity
She 1 person sit in front only, behind her 1 is huan
Nobody chat v her, bside her 1 is Hooi, sometime can talk gok lar
Even Jas sit v me but she dunwan sit the last one
But nobody wan change v her, pity too~lol

Today Mei the most happy
Many ppl present her, included Me Ting Lek Hooi Bong n Angie
She ♥ her gift so much~!XD
Her family treat her so good (w8 herself tell u all at her blog~XD)
She reali hav a Happy Birthday!

Foo change to 31
He was elected Ketua Geografi (not bad~XD)
I heard my friend in 31 one said he quiet in 31
But when i ask him, he said he make noise at 31~lol
Anywhere, hope he can adapt there =)

Gan change to 35
Today we call him at canteen
He din choi us!bad! lol
He said he paiseh =.=
He said he got friend in 35 gok
Better thn when me in 28, no friend~XD

Xun change to 34
I din c him n so far din contact v him
So duno what condition he is now
But less him less a laugh less a best friend in class

I don't need to express
I don't need tears to shed
I don't need to ask for a smile
or a hand to hold me
All I need is to be your friend, forever!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

Hey guys!
Happy New Year!!!! =)
Click it and welcome to the new year!

Somebody else was countdown with their parents or friends
Even strangers about ME?
Im just alone countdown with myself

But new year already!
Im still happy =)
Although Im old one years old~lol
Additionally, my birthday is coming!! XD
What I wish? Ermmm......
If is my parents cousins, I hope they will present me a CAMERA or a Bicycle or ......(expensive one just can~XD)
If is my friends........Dun said it out~haha (just be a secret)

Finally, hope my parents and all of my cousins
My lovely friends exspecially Ting Janice Nicole Jasmine Jenlyn Mei Angie Sammy 
Always happy and healthy in next year!
Ei? Not! Is Happy and healthy forever!! =)