Monday, January 3, 2011

Form 3 First Day

First time!First time feel a bit sienz in class!
Bcoz my funny best friend change class already!
Now our class no more ambience, no more fun
But lucky is my girl best friend all thr
But u noe it, some boy can talk secret n can play together,make more fun!
I not say girl no fun lar, but girl sure gt a bit paiseh cnt make more fun~XD

Today so strange
Me n ting less chat
Maybe me chat v her everything at fb already~haha
Instead, I chat v Jas more

Jan so pity
She 1 person sit in front only, behind her 1 is huan
Nobody chat v her, bside her 1 is Hooi, sometime can talk gok lar
Even Jas sit v me but she dunwan sit the last one
But nobody wan change v her, pity too~lol

Today Mei the most happy
Many ppl present her, included Me Ting Lek Hooi Bong n Angie
She ♥ her gift so much~!XD
Her family treat her so good (w8 herself tell u all at her blog~XD)
She reali hav a Happy Birthday!

Foo change to 31
He was elected Ketua Geografi (not bad~XD)
I heard my friend in 31 one said he quiet in 31
But when i ask him, he said he make noise at 31~lol
Anywhere, hope he can adapt there =)

Gan change to 35
Today we call him at canteen
He din choi us!bad! lol
He said he paiseh =.=
He said he got friend in 35 gok
Better thn when me in 28, no friend~XD

Xun change to 34
I din c him n so far din contact v him
So duno what condition he is now
But less him less a laugh less a best friend in class

I don't need to express
I don't need tears to shed
I don't need to ask for a smile
or a hand to hold me
All I need is to be your friend, forever!

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