Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

Hey guys!
Happy New Year!!!! =)
Click it and welcome to the new year!

Somebody else was countdown with their parents or friends
Even strangers about ME?
Im just alone countdown with myself

But new year already!
Im still happy =)
Although Im old one years old~lol
Additionally, my birthday is coming!! XD
What I wish? Ermmm......
If is my parents cousins, I hope they will present me a CAMERA or a Bicycle or ......(expensive one just can~XD)
If is my friends........Dun said it out~haha (just be a secret)

Finally, hope my parents and all of my cousins
My lovely friends exspecially Ting Janice Nicole Jasmine Jenlyn Mei Angie Sammy 
Always happy and healthy in next year!
Ei? Not! Is Happy and healthy forever!! =)